The King Knows How by Over the Rhine from The Long Surrender Surrender and surrendering have been fairly consistent themes since I started seeing a new therapist a couple years ago. I had decided to stop seeing my first therapist who was very helpful at times, but our time together ran its course. It was, frankly, incredibly exhausting to confront alcoholic and addiction tendencies every two weeks. I had made it clear I wasn’t interested in 12-step programs or groups and finally I said I didn’t think we were moving forward.

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A Man is Not His Song from Pleasure by Feist So, I had a bit of a spring affair. Well, a winter-through-summer affair. It was cold when we met and hot outside the last time we saw each other. His name was Luke. I liked him a lot. He was charming. A little dull but his grin more than made up for it. He had that kind of impossible, Disney prince animated handsomeness all over him.

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Hello! from The Book of Mormon (Original Broadway Cast Recording) Hello, David. In early 2023, I put 170 words on the screen for you explaining a writing project and my intentions for it, and how I’d use this writing project to share some updates about my life with you in essays and songs. I’m typing over those words right now. I never got around to doing what I intended to do, which probably means I should instead intend to do something I’ll actually do.

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I’m planning on posting (and in some cases re-posting) a series of essays for my friend David who asked me, “How are things going?” About two years ago and to whom I’m finally replying in a series of essays. You’ll get to read (most of) them too, even if you aren’t David. Which you probably aren’t.

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