You’d Think the Religious Would Object to Discrimination. but Nope. It’s Gay Sex. Always Gay Sex.

PrEP: Obamacare can’t require coverage for certain HIV drugs, federal judge rules - CNNPolitics:

Braidwood Management, a Texas-based company that employs 70 people, argued that the mandate facilitated behavior to which it has religious objections.

I LOVE how preventing a still-deadly virus from spreading “facilitates behavior” that raises some “religious objections” from conservatives.

You know what, conservatives? HIV can infect you, too. Part of me wishes it fucking would. The lot of you. Then this would be a non-starter since straight cisgender white people fucking doesn’t raise quite as many “religious objections” for you. Although I’m sure plenty of you clutch pearls. 🙄

Actually now that I think about it I guess it wouldn’t be a non-starter given how much you cry ‘mUh FrEedOm’ every time someone asks you to put on a mask or stay at home because you’re fucking contagious with a deadly virus you refuse to get vaccinated for.

Have I mentioned lately how much I hate conservative ideology? (I’m trying really REALLY hard to not say “I hate conservatives” to be polite, but the truth is I do. I remain ENTIRELY fed up with the entire Republican Party and its supporters.)