Are We Doomed as a Nation?

Trump will be on the ballot in 5 weeks - Robert Reich (

Trump supporting election deniers are running, having been nominated by the GOP, for secretaries of state, attorneys general, and key local elections.

Our solution? Vote down ballot. “Vote blue no matter who.” “Vote blue ‘cuz we tell you to.”

Telling people “vote blue no matter who” is not the solution. It doesn’t work and it hasn’t worked.

It’s a hugely critical thing to actually do as a voter, I get that. But not everyone does for some godforsaken reason, and a pithy little jingle isn’t going to get people to vote for mediocre, passionless, plain white, rich, establishment candidates.

But it almost feels like that’s literally all we’ve got as a strategy unless we start nominating candidates who are willing to fight fire with fire.

Personally, I still think we’ve yet to see the darkest days of this, and I think it’s going to get a helluva lot darker before it gets lighter.