Un-Natural Disasters

These are not natural disasters. We are powerless to stop earthquakes but not mass carnage from guns. Fatalism is a favorite tool for those who peddle in death under the pretext of the “Second Amendment.”

I’ve been saying that these are not natural disasters for literal years, around the time each year that we’re forced to take “surviving an active shooter” training. And that training always, always begins with, “Well, I wish it weren’t so but the fact of the matter is that these situations happen and you need to be prepared for them.”

And it makes me want to scream at the top of my lungs! These situations wouldn’t happen if politicians would get their heads out of their wallets and start taking extreme measures to stop this horrific nonsense. Fuck the 2nd Amendment. It should be abolished. And fuck the NRA. They should be held accountable. And most of all, fuck the gun totin’ flag wavin’ truck drivin’ bible thumpin’ cousin humpin’ ignorant uneducated straight white male pricks who glorify guns. I can’t even with them.

Another Horrific Shooting