Re-m.b: @Pratik Original Post

Exactly! I’m disappointed in CNN, and I’m really disappointed in Anderson Cooper’s need to defend their decision. People died because of that guy. People literally were dying by the thousands each day while he was laughing about drinking bleach, and telling his dolt-filled cult to disregard science and attack and physically threaten scientists and doctors. While he was having his rotten life saved by the best medical service providers in the world only so he could drive around and flaunt his existence and wave his tiny hands at people from inside a limousine. And you wanna give this asshole more of a megaphone? And then insist it was the right thing to do? Shame. Shame on you, Mr. Cooper. You know better.

People have well made up their minds about this guy. Report on him, do it the right way, fling as much mud as it takes. But don’t give him or his cult a free pass. He’s had enough of them.