On Pat Robertson -or (In Emoji)- ⚠️⛔️✝️⛪️📺👺💥🏳️‍🌈💥🩸☠️

TRIGGER WARNING: I have a personal opinion and I’m about to express it.

Oh, Pat Roberson finally croaked out his last putrid breath? I’m weeping.

Pat Robertson was a dangerous and influential man who spent his life on the airwaves convincing large swaths of delusional, paying cult members that LGBTQ+ people were responsible for an imaginary demise in American values.

WWJD? Pat Robertson wouldn’t have had a clue.

He would’ve had me hanged or quarantined or otherwise sequestered from society if he could have. Instead he persuaded and compelled millions too weak to think for themselves to vote for legislation intended to harm me and my community. He was a charlatan, a tax-exempt politician, and a wolf in a slaughtered sheep’s clothing.

Good riddance to that bad, harmful, and overtly bigoted piece of garbage.