Ohioans passed an AMENDMENT TO THE STATE CONSTITUTION (all caps because that’s a big deal) and Republicans literally ignore it and do what they want anyway. When is someone going to put them in their place?! Not “hold them accountable.” They wouldn’t know accountability from Nancy Regan’s asshole. But someone to really put them in their place, rip the rug out from under them, knock them on their asses, emphatically tell them NO, and that enough is enough, and to shut the hell up, and to go sit in the corner while the rest of us grown ups go and try to repair all the shit they’ve burned down to the ground. (Show me a Joe Biden who’ll do that and I’ll canvass for the motherfucker 24/7.) But instead the Dems will keep shooting for the middle, reaching across the aisle to a fascist regime, wonder why that didn’t work, and then fall back asleep while the GOP change the rules to stay in power unchecked. Again. 🤬

Ohio Republicans propose nixing home grow, increasing taxes in sweeping changes to legal marijuana