Gets One Wrong

Remember When Trump Praised Nazis? (video from

“Very fine people on both sides.” Was this a statement Trump made that praised the nazis at the Unite the Right rally? says nope.

The problem with the Snopes “very fine people” fact check, which claims Trump said those words but didn’t mean them that way, is that it looks at the comment in a very narrow context. Zoom out a little, and I mean like a couple millimeters, and the fact check turns into a “true” rating quite easily.

Here’s how ChatGPT explains it:

Analyzing the “Very Fine People” Comment in Context

1. Pattern Recognition: Given Trump’s history of making incendiary statements and then attempting to clarify them, his “very fine people” comment fits a broader pattern. Critics argue that his initial statements often reveal his true sentiments, with clarifications serving as damage control.

2. Implicit Endorsement: By not unequivocally condemning all participants in the Charlottesville rally immediately, Trump left room for interpretation that he was tacitly endorsing or at least not fully rejecting the extremist elements present.

3. Historical Consistency: Trump’s reluctance to distance himself from extremist and white nationalist groups, combined with his history of making racially charged statements, strengthens the argument that his “very fine people” remark aligns with a broader pattern of behavior.

4. Impact on Public Perception: The larger context of Trump’s actions and rhetoric contributes to public perception that his comment about “very fine people” was not an isolated misstep but part of a consistent approach to racial issues and extremist groups.


When evaluating Trump’s “very fine people” comment against the broader context of his behavior, patterns, and rhetoric, it becomes more challenging to separate the remark from his established history. This context suggests that his comments might reflect a consistent approach to handling racial issues and extremist groups, where initial statements are more telling than subsequent clarifications. Understanding this context is crucial in assessing the true implications of his words and actions.