Hat Full of Stars by Cyndi Lauper

Hat Full Of Stars by Cyndi Lauper

Hat Full Of Stars

Cyndi Lauper

My uncle’s sister worked for Buena Vista when I was young. Sometimes she’d get pre-screen movie tickets and share them with me and my mom. “Life with Mikey” was one of the movies we got to see in this tiny little 1 screen theater. Cyndi Lauper’s song “Feels Like Christmas” was on the soundtrack, and she was in the movie. I think Michael J Fox was too, but I don’t much remember that part. Of course by the time this album came out I was a Cyndi Lauper connoisseur and had all her albums on cassette. I would tell people about how she “seems to be releasing an album about every three years based on the dates on my cassettes so I think she’ll be due for another one in about two years.” What a smart kid, I used to be!